Alex Jones Family Alex Jones Wife and Kids

Alex Jones wearing a sports jacket
Alex Jones inside his command middle.

Article updated 2022

Alex Jones

Alexander Emric Jones, a.chiliad.a. Alex Jones, a.k.a Alexander Emerick Jones (culling spelling of eye proper noun). He was built-in February eleven, 1974 in Dallas, Texas, The states. He is an American radio/TV/Internet prove host and conspiracy analyst.

Height: v'viii" (173 cm.)

Weight: 264 lbs (120 kilo.)

Net Worth 2022

As of 2022, his electric current internet worth is about 6 million dollars.

His divorce made a big dent in his internet worth. Merely nosotros all know that getting a divorce is not cheap. Earlier his divorce he was worth close to xxx one thousand thousand dollars, now he is saddled with more debt to go on his media empire afloat. And ongoing expenses to his ex-married woman and new wife.

Relatives and Background

Alex Jones lineage can be traced back to the early America and his ancestors have been at the forefront against the evil forces for generations. His ancestors came over on the Mayflower. Later generations of his ancestors fought at the Alamo in the Texas Revolution.

His father was a dentist and his female parent was a home maker. He was born in Dallas, Texas, and grew up in the Dallas suburb of Rockwall and the urban center of Austin, Texas. The family unit relocated to Austin when Alex was a teenager. He was a lineman on his high school's football team and graduated from Anderson Loftier School in Austin in 1993. Afterwards loftier school, Jones briefly attended Austin Community College but dropped out.

Alex Jones has an adopted sister Marleigh Jones who is Korean. She is working for Alex Jones in his news arrangement.

Children and Wives

Alex Jones has many mouths to feed.

Alex Jones has three children with his ex-married woman Kelly Jones. Ii daughters and ane boy. The boy is named is King Jones. Alex has been put his son Rex on the prove a few times confronting will of the boy's mother. His ex-wife constantly complained about everything lilliputian thing and made his life a living hell. But Alex Jones has now kicked Kelly Jones to the adjourn and only deals with her through the court system. Though Alex has finally gotten rid of his ex-married woman she has taken the children and a big chunk of his money.

In January 2017 Alex Jones once again started out fresh with blank sheets then to speak. Alex Jones did the right thing and married the daughter he had knocked up. The practiced news is that Alex has learned from his mistakes and his 4th child has not notwithstanding been seen on the show to sell whatsoever sort of infant products yet. The simply problem was that when the couple went on their honeymoon the listeners of the show had to suffer through two weeks of David Knight hosting the show.

Erika Wulff

Alex Jones beloved married woman Erika Wulff has a BA in History with a focus on International Studies. She loves to travel. She is a world traveler, and she has visited many countries such as Hellenic republic, France, Turkey, S Africa, Republic of ecuador, Republic of costa rica and Belize. She enjoys learning about different cultures, the food, the traditions and history. These interests she has in common with her husband Alex Jones. Her passion is Yoga and music. She likewise plays a guitar and sing. She has written several songs and accept performed with a touring band. Erika likes to accept good care of herself. She tries to eat organic when she can. And stay active and go plenty of sleep. Afterward she married a millionaire glory radio host that can provide for her and the babe she no longer need to piece of work.

Previous Girlfriends

Alex Jones has had many girlfriends up through the years. Information technology is not difficult to imagine that the raging bull that is Alex Jones is and then full of libido. Information technology is really not possible to accurately count them all. And he probably does not know or desire to retrieve all himself. His promiscuity started at a young age. In a court hearing he claimed that he had had 150 sexual partners past the fourth dimension he was 16 and that he dated many older women that went to college.

All the abortions

When dating all these girls he got many girls pregnant, merely he was not gear up to be a father. He told the girls to get abortions. He has stated that he regrets this and that he often has nightmares about all these aborted children.

Other Unknown Children

The verbal number of children Alex is the father of is probably unbeknownst to even himself. He has stated that he became a father when he was 24, which does not add up with the age of the children he has with his ex-married woman.

Religious Beliefs

Alex Jones is a highly religious person. He is a Christian that find great strength in the lord Jesus Christ. He does not put much faith in the mainstream priests and churches because he thinks they are oral cavity pieces for the government agenda and that they are run past the devil himself. For he is most certainly not a devil worshiper. When information technology comes to women Alex Jones seems to accept some special preference for Jewish women fifty-fifty though he claims he is a Christian himself, just in reality it makes himself pseudo-Jewish.

The fact that he has always tried to stay on the path that God has pb him downwardly is the reason that Alex has been able to survive all these years without the government assassinating him or putting him in jail on some fabricated charges.

Political Views

It is also easy and rudimentary to characterization Alex Jones a far-right nutjob. Instead, his political ideologies are very circuitous and nuanced.

Alex is very much against everything what Mr. and Mrs. Clinton and Barack Hussein Obama Ii stands for. But he is non just against democrats. He besides has a disliking for George Due west. Bush. But Alex Jones really embraced Donald Trump.

Alex is against the idea of the left-correct epitome and thinks the entire political system is flawed and rotten. And when Donald Trump stepped up without being a professional pol Alex could back up a republican candidate.

He would not exist offended by being described as a libertarian and paleo-conservative. Only he does non really purchase into modern political labels. He is a real conservative and a real liberal, but the definitions have inverse over fourth dimension. And today those labels exercise not hateful the same as they did 100 years ago. Alex is more than a truth seeker and a freedom lover and those concepts are not easily defined within the modern political frameworks.

It is easier to expect at the issues he is passionate near to get a sense of his truthful political views. Such every bit being against the United states of america losing is sovereignty and condign a surveillance law state. And the Federal Reserve printing upwardly dollars to fund wars against made up enemies at home and abroad. And such bug equally the big government wanting to forcibly vaccinating people in cahoots with big pharma. Plus all the other globalist schemes that Alex has voiced his concerns about.

Building His Media Empire Brick by Brick

From a very immature age Alex was interested in history. He quickly realized that things were not always right. From a young age he never bought into the all the fake paradigms in the world.

In 1995-1996, Alex was on access Television set in due east Austin. He had to continue belatedly at night when there were bachelor slots. He was running it all past himself in a niggling control room. In 1996, he began hosting his own evidence called "The Final Edition" on the radio station KJFK-FM in Austin. In 1997, he put out a film chosen "America Destroyed by Design" that he had to bootstrap using a huge and outdated VHS camera that he was able to borrow. At the time he had another full time chore, and he was able to use the editing equipment at the Boob tube studio at 2 am. And having to be at the other job at 7 in the morning. His other jobs at the fourth dimension was at a golf form and selling memberships at a gym. He was working a full of xl hours a week at those jobs so it took nigh a year to consummate the documentary flick in his spear time. The documentary moving-picture show was a success, and he was able to make half a million dollars on it. The coin he made from the film after tax he reinvested in his media company that he was starting.

In 1999, he started his website This expanded his reach, and he was no longer limited past what the management of the radio stations idea was appropriate to say on air. In this fashion Alex Jones was a pioneer into the digital grass roots media.

In 2001, his testify was syndicated on approximately 100 stations. After the 9/xi attacks a number of stations dropped him afterward he made claims that it was an inside job that George W. Bush was orchestrating. Nevertheless, 9/eleven was the beginning of many wars and callous policies his number of followers and listeners started to grow in the following years.

In the following decades by churning out the news every twenty-four hours and having some interesting guests on the show he was able to slowly abound his audience and business. He as well came up with some innovations such as broadcasting the radio bear witness as a Television receiver-testify on the Internet.

He also managed to put out a couple of more than documentary movies while doing his radio testify. Alex also kept his websites filled with the latest news.

He also expanded his facilities adding more than space for new studios and more writers and editing people.

To brand coin he has relied on ad, donations, selling subscriptions, selling various products, supplements, books and videos. Most of the profits he claims have been put back into his business concern in club to grow his visitor.


Wikipedia, forums, his quotes and hearsay.


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