What Has the Stock Exchange Done to Ensure We Wont Have a Great Depression Again

The stock marketplace is doing fine, even though everything else is definitely non.

Before in the coronavirus crunch, Wall Street had a meltdown. Stocks plunged amongst fears of the affliction'due south spread and its potential touch on the global economy, sometimes to the point that trading was halted altogether to rein in the chaos. Simply in recent weeks, the market has been doing okay. It's not at the record highs it was in mid-February, but it'southward not bad — the S&P 500 is hovering around where information technology was last fall. And given the state of the globe — a deadly global pandemic with no terminate in sight, 30 million Americans recently out of jobs, an economy that's fallen off of a cliff — a relatively rosy stock market place is particularly perplexing.

Certain, the stock marketplace isn't the economy, but correct now, it seems particularly divorced from what's happening on the ground. "The gap between markets and economical information has never been larger," wrote Matt King, global head of credit strategy at Citigroup, in a recent note.

Information technology'due south impossible to pinpoint what exactly is driving the market'southward moves at whatsoever given moment — investors, after all, aren't a monolith. But there are a handful of explanations that get at what'southward happening now.

For 1 thing, the Federal Reserve and, to a mayhap lesser but still significant extent, Congress have taken extraordinary measures to pump money into the economy and prop up markets. The amount of spending they've done so far amounts to well-nigh one-third of GDP in a very curt period of time, and that's calming investors' fretfulness. "The fundamentals don't matter quite every bit much with that kind of liquidity deluge," said Isaac Boltansky, managing director of policy inquiry at Compass Point Research & Trading.

Moreover, investors don't really have a lot of places to go with their money — government bonds are offering super-low returns, if much at all. Amidst some on Wall Street, there'southward a fear of missing out, and it appears retail investors have been playing the markets while in quarantine. Overall, it just seems the market may be feeling a bit more optimistic well-nigh the future than the science around coronavirus would suggest.

To be sure, in that location's no guarantee this market rally will last, nor that investors take it right. And many traders, analysts, and experts admit everyone is operating in a black box. One West Coast-based equities trader told me it makes "zero sense." A Goldman Sachs associate provided a variety of detailed explanations, but and then offered a caveat, "If I'm being expressionless-ass honest, though, nobody knows what's really going on."

The fearless girl statue wearing a breathing mask.
The "Fearless Girl" statue donning a mask across from the New York Stock Substitution on April 25.
John Nacion/NurPhoto/Getty Images

Y'all tin can't fight the Fed

Many people on Wall Street point to actions from the Fed as a main driver of the market's rebound in contempo weeks. Since tardily March, the cardinal depository financial institution has appear a series of sweeping measures designed to help stabilize the economy, including plans to buy both investment-grade and loftier-yield corporate bonds. That translates to the Fed saying it will buy corporate debt that's at low gamble for default, and debt that is non.

The Fed's maneuvers have injected an enormous amount of liquidity in the market and restored organized religion of both private corporate bond buyers and equity investors that the central bank is there to dorsum them up. The Fed still hasn't spent money on its corporate bonds program, but the hope that it could has been enough.

"This rally in equities is clearly non driven by fundamentals — it'southward driven by the liquidity support from the Federal Reserve," Torsten Slok, master economist at Deutsche Bank Securities, told the Financial Times. "Companies are getting greenbacks to keep the lights on through the significant support to credit markets."

This isn't an entirely new phenomenon, explained Kristina Hooper, chief global market strategist at Invesco. Something similar happened during the concluding crisis.

"I retrieve of information technology as a dandy decoupling, and I'm not surprised that nosotros're seeing it, because this is very like to what we saw during the global fiscal crisis, and information technology has to do, primarily, with monetary policy," she told me. "What nosotros saw during the global financial crisis is a Fed that provided extraordinary policy tools that it had never used before … and that was what decoupled the stock market's fortunes from that of the economic system. And and then it came every bit no surprise that we saw the aforementioned affair happening this fourth dimension."

This can all feel a little wonky, merely it boils downwards to: In the modern bailout era, betwixt the Fed and the federal government, in that location'due south reason for equity investors to feel okay.

A physical example of the impact of the Fed's maneuvers is Boeing. Last week, the aerospace visitor said it had raised $25 billion in a bond offer, and it didn't need federal assistance to practice it because private investors had taken up the offer. Other companies have done the same, including Nike, Procter & Gamble, and Visa.

"If there's that much appetite in the bond markets to invest in debt, as an disinterestedness investor, that'southward a reason to feel okay about things in relative terms," the Goldman associate, who asked to remain anonymous, told me.

Political will to practise more than on the stimulus stop of things may exist waning in the White House and among some Republicans, at least in the well-nigh term, but the Fed has indicated it plans to forge alee. At a press conference last week, Fed chair Jerome Powell said the central bank is committed to using its "full range of tools" to support the economy every bit long every bit needed. "Nosotros have a number of dimensions on which we can even so provide support to the economy," he said. "As you know, our credit policies are non subject area to a specific dollar limit."

Gillian Tett, editorial lath chair at the Financial Times, recently argued that what's happening now with stocks is a examination of whether you think this is a liquidity crisis or a solvency crisis — basically, whether you think corporate America's woes are a brusque-term question or a long-term one. The Fed's actions solve the firsthand liquidity trouble — they keep companies afloat correct now — just they don't solve whether a business is going to be feasible and therefore able to pay back their debts in the long run. To become back to Boeing: That $25 billion bond raise is helpful correct now, but the futurity of the company hinges on someone buying its planes.

"Many zombie companies volition fail, no matter how much is sprayed effectually by the Fed," Tett wrote.

The music'southward all the same playing, and then Wall Street'south still dancing

Alee of the global financial crisis in 2007, then-Citigroup chief executive Chuck Prince made an observation: "When the music stops, in terms of liquidity, things will exist complicated. Only as long every bit the music is playing, yous've got to get upwardly and trip the light fantastic toe. We're still dancing."

While the context of his remarks was different — he was talking about private equity deals — in the current moment, the spirit of them still holds. The music'southward still playing, and Wall Street'southward still dancing.

Office of the issue is likely that in that location isn't really a lucrative alternative to investing in stocks right at present. As Paul Krugman at the New York Times recently noted, bonds offer super-low returns:

The interest rate on 10-year U.S. government bonds is just 0.6 pct, down from more than 3 percentage in late 2018. If you want bonds that are protected against future inflation, their yield is minus half a pct. So ownership stock in companies that are withal profitable despite the Covid-19 recession looks pretty bonny.

The Due west Coast trader joked, "It's tough for me to make a bull instance on stocks correct at present that isn't, 'Welp, anybody else is buying and bonds are trash.'"

Which gets at another facet of this: fear of missing out. The market, broadly, is going upward, everyone else still seems to be playing, and then people are staying in. And it's not simply large institutional investors, it'south individual retail investors, too. Bloomberg reports that Eastward*Trade, Ameritrade, and Charles Schwab all saw tape sign-ups in the first iii months of the year, a lot of information technology amid coronavirus-induced volatility. One analyst speculated to Bloomberg that with casinos and sports betting closed down, some people were playing the markets instead.

Many companies are doing well, specially in tech: Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, Google-owner Alphabet, and Facebook reported strong earnings last week and make up about one-fifth of the South&P 500's market value. And the stock market doesn't reflect the economy in full; small businesses and companies that aren't publicly traded are existence hit hard right now, and that doesn't show upwards in stocks.

The stock market is sometimes considered to exist a leading indicator of what's going to happen in the economic system. And at the onset of the pandemic, information technology sounded the alarm before the economic data did, giving upward 30 percent of its value in the course of a month. If you think it's a leading indicator now, that ways investors retrieve things will be better in iii to six months from at present. Investors are pegging some of their hopes to a handling for the coronavirus, and they're excited nearly states reopening.

Jack Ablin, the main investment officer at Cresset Wealth Advisors, told me the market is certainly looking at the sunnier side of the possibilities. "I will say the market is probably priced somewhere between the almost likely case and the best example, certainly on the most optimistic side of the almost likely case."

Is the optimism warranted? Well, that'south the issue of the unabridged coronavirus crisis: No 1 has any idea what'due south to come up. "The coronavirus outbreak has rendered forecasting impossible," wrote Ian Shepherdson, master economist at Pantheon Macroeconomics, in a recent note.

"As a policy analyst, the motivation in the market correct at present is driven by the policy intervention and not the economic fundamentals, and so when investors are focused on contouring the policy intervention, it'southward possible that they miss some of the broader fundamental trends, or at least neglect them," Boltansky said.

Even if the stock marketplace recovery holds, that might not translate to a comparable recovery for the economic system. Hooper, from Invesco, pointed out that Main Street America had a "very anemic recovery for years" coming out of the global fiscal crisis compared to Wall Street. If there isn't enough fiscal stimulus, namely from Congress, that could replay now.

Investors could be completely wrong

Ane theme of the coronavirus crisis is that anyone who tells y'all they know what's near to happen next is lying, and that holds when information technology comes to the stock market. It moves on day-to-mean solar day news and headlines, which are constantly changing, and has been pretty volatile in contempo months. There are plenty of voices out there alarm that only because the market is upwards now doesn't mean information technology will stay that fashion. The Wall Street Journal over the weekend delved into the ways investors are "flying blind," where no 1 is exactly sure what's going to happen with corporate earnings or the economy.

Bob Michele, chief investment officer at JPMorgan, told Bloomberg in a contempo radio interview that the market'southward current optimism reminds him of the early days of the financial crisis. "There's a lot of hardship ahead," he said. "This feels to me like the 2nd quarter of 2008, where the outset quarter was horrible, in that location were policy responses, and the market immediately became optimistic, and the horror of what actually happened starts to hit into the information."

A trader holds his hands up in front of other traders on the floor.
A trader signals offers in the S&P 500 stock index futures pit at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange on March 17, 2008, every bit Bear Stearns was collapsing.
Scott Olson/Getty Images

In the current moment, we have some data about how bad the economic crunch is. The economy shrank by 4.8 percentage in the first quarter, and xxx million people have filed jobless claims. We'll get a look at April unemployment numbers on Friday, and other information is still trickling in.

"Beware of the oddity in this bear rally," Solomon Tadesse, caput of North American quant disinterestedness enquiry at Societe Generale, wrote in a recent note. "Given the overall negative undertone from the economical challenges alee, the dramatic reversal of global markets subsequently the pandemic lows is more puzzling."

High-profile investor Jeffrey Gundlach recently said he is shorting the market, pregnant he's betting it will go back down. Onetime Goldman analyst Will Meade predicted this year is poised to wait "exactly like" the dot-com chimera. Billionaire Warren Buffett, who in 2008 encouraged investors to "purchase American," at Berkshire Hathaway's annual meeting over the weekend, struck a more than somber tone. "You can bet on America, but you kind of accept to be careful about how you bet," he said.

"If nosotros haven't hit the bottom even so, things will get very, very bad, because then you'll see a lot of cascading effects where a hedge fund volition blow up, which means the alimony fund that is invested in the hedge fund now has to take that loss, which means they have to de-risk, so they have to move out of equities," the Goldman associate said. "There's a very real possibility that people could get washed out, not just retail investors, but everybody."

Correction, May 13: A previous version of this article misidentified the author of the Societe Generale note.


Source: https://www.vox.com/covid-19-coronavirus-economy-recession-stock-market/2020/5/6/21248069/stock-market-economy-federal-reserve-jerome-powell

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